发布时间:2024-10-22 浏览量:
近日,北京大学历史学系博雅特聘教授、教育部“长江学者”特聘教授欧阳哲生的专著《古代北京与西方文明》英译本Ancient Beijing and Western Civilization由世界一流学术出版社劳特利奇(Routledge)出版社出版。英译由我校翻译学院李海峰副教授完成。
This book explores the historical interactions between Beijing and the West before the Opium War. It focuses on the experiences of Western travellers, missionaries, and envoys who visited Beijing during the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties.
As the capital of Imperial China since the Yuan dynasty, Beijing has been central to communication between China and the West. The study uses first-hand historical materials such as travelogues, memoirs, letters, Ming and Qing archives, and scholarly works from both the West and China. It examines their journeys to Beijing, their lives in the city, and their interactions with imperial officials and ordinary people. The book reconstructs Western perceptions of Beijing and their observations of its architecture, customs, geography, and China's history, culture, and political system. It also addresses important historical issues in Sino-Western relations, including the controversy over Chinese rites between Beijing and the Vatican, attempts to trade with Beijing, sinological studies, and intelligence gathering. The insights gained greatly enhance our understanding of the history of cultural exchange between China and the West.
The book will appeal to a wide readership interested in the history of the Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, the history of Beijing, Sino-Western relations, and international Sinology.